Where To Find Adult Websites For Sale And Purchase Successfully
If you want to launch an adult website but don’t want to deal with the trouble of starting from scratch, you might think about purchasing an existing one. But where can you find adult websites for sale?
When considering buying an adult website, there are a few things to bear in mind, including legal considerations, due diligence, and how to pick the best website to meet your goals and ambitions.
Hopefully in this post, I give you everything you need to know about purchasing an adult website, including how to locate them, how to assess them, and how to finalise the transaction.
So firstly, where can you find adult websites for sale?
Probably the best spot for browsing adult websites for sale is broker.xxx. They have a considerable range of sites and adult domains for sale. With all the sites being vetted, prior to being listed, you have some assurance that you are not going to be scammed.
Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for Flippa. While there are a handful of adult sites listed there, you really have to know what you’re doing, as scammers abound on flipper! They often manipulate the declared traffic, domain metrics, etc. So you really have to be on your toes if you’re going to buy an adult site there.
That’s why I recommend somewhere like broker.xxx – they have years of experience in the adult industry and know exactly what they are talking about when it comes to adult websites and their evaluation.
What to Look for When Buying an Adult Website
The first thing you’ll have in mind is obviously your budget. You’ll have an idea of how much you are prepared to spend on a site.
As with any business the first thing you will probably want to look at, is the revenue – how much revenue is the site generating currently. That will give you an idea of how quickly you can get your investment returned.
So if the site costs $15,000 and they are currently generating a monthly revenue of $500, it’s going to take you somewhere in the region of two and a half years to see your investment returned.
Think of new ideas and strategies for generating income from the site
The timescale for getting your investment returned, can depend on several factors of course. You may be able to scale the website quickly and implement alternative revenue-generating options, which will allow you to grow the monthly income and therefore get a return on investment much quicker.
That is something that I personally consider, at times when I have purchased adult websites. I try to come up with ideas that will enhance the site and allow me to increase the current revenue. I’ve been able to do that on many occasions.
Sometimes by actually growing the traffic, you can greatly increase the income to your adult website. Because traffic equals money, in the online world. The more traffic you can generate, the more likely you are to earn more from your site.
Something I will throw in here that is a personal opinion, I really wouldn’t advise buying a sex toys website. You will struggle to succeed with it.
How Much Traffic Does The Site Generate
When you find a site that you’re interested in, check how much traffic it gets. As I stated above traffic is everything when it comes to making money on the internet.
If a site generates a good volume of traffic (and particularly organic search traffic) it follows that it will have a much better chance of generating revenue. The more traffic, the more chance you have of being able to sell lucrative ad space on your website. You can read more about selling ad space on your adult website here
To verify traffic, ask to be added to google Analytics (presuming they have Google Analytics implemented on their site). By browsing the analytics you will get a very good read on how good the traffic is, and also where it is coming from.
Personally, I like to see lots of organic search traffic, but direct traffic to the site is also a good sign. So hopefully the data in Google Analytics will reassure you of the quality and quantity of the traffic on the site you’re interested in buying.
Check The Revenue
Make sure to to verify the claimed revenue. Where possible, try to authenticate what revenue the seller is claiming. You may even want to go so far as to do a video login on sales data (for example revenue they generate on an adult affiliate site).
Do all you can to ensure the claimed revenue is accurate. Again this is where a broker will come in really handy, as they will assist you in verification.
How To Make An Offer On The Adult Website
Ok so you’ve found a site that you really like and carried out your due diligence on it. Now is the time to make an offer. Remember that most sellers will try to get as much as possible for their website and therefore are going to put the asking price as high as they can.
They usually expect that they will get a lower offer and will be prepared for it.
So my suggestion is to offer what you think it is worth. Now although you will probably offer less than what the seller is asking; try to keep your offer realistic as well. If the seller is looking for $40,000 for the website, an offer of $10,000 is unlikely to cut it.
So try to make your offer somewhat realistic and tempting to the seller.
At the end of the day, something is only worth what someone is prepared to buy it for – that is the line I live by. It doesn’t matter what price a seller puts on their adult website, ultimately it will only sell for whatever someone is prepared to buy it for.
By using a broker to buy or sell an adult site, it will really assist in this part of the buying process. Both parties are usually protected and have the assurance that the broker will do their best to get the deal done.
The broker will help to negotiate the sale, so that both parties (the seller and the buyer) are getting a result they are happy with.
Knowledge of Legal Considerations
Understanding the legal ramifications of owning and running an adult website is important before you begin looking for adult websites to buy.
Due to the “high risk” nature of adult websites, there are special legal requirements that must be followed.
Another aspect of this is taking payments on your website (if that is going to be part of it). With adult websites you are somewhat limited in terms of payment processors, not all payment processors will accept your site, however there are still some you can use.
So hopefully my post will have given you food for thought and helped you to find where you can buy an adult website… and navigate the best route to acquire your site.